Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jollibee Kiddie Meal Green Lantern Toy Review

Philippines' local fastfood chain has done it again. They just released a Green Lantern toy for their Kiddie Meal. This figure is based on the GL animated series. This set is composed of two toys, A Green Lantern figure, and a GL Power Ring with base.

The GL Figure 

The GL figure stands at approximately 4 inch. The figure has no articulation except for his swivel right arm and swivel right wrist. The figure comes with three GL constructs: a Lantern, a hammer, and a shield. These Constructs can be inserted on his right hand and when you twist that protruding thing on his right shoulder, the construct spins. The problem with this figure is that the right arm's color is inverted (see the black and green). The figure is made of hard plastic with it's body being composed of a transparent green plastic. There's a reason why they chose to make his body transparent. I'll elaborate later.

The GL Power Ring and It's Base

The GL power ring unfortunately doesn't look like a Power Ring. It looks bulky. The ring activates a Red Light when you twist it's head. The GL Power Ring lights up with RED LIGHTS!?! There must be some confusion here as Red Light is not a Green Lantern's color. Red is for the Red Lanterns. The Power Ring comes with four attachable round transparent designs that you could attach on the ring's head and see the constructs formed by the light (sort of like a projector). The design construct images that of a Green Lantern text, a GL ship, A GL Lantern, and a GL shield. 

The ring can be inserted on the base. The base serves as the projector stand when you insert the power ring and show images that the light constructs.

The Power Ring can also be attached on the GL figure's back to come up with a glowing GL figure. But because of the red light, the GL figure transforms into a RED LANTERN?

Here are comparison shots of the figure with other DC Animation Related 4-5 inch toys.

 (L-R) Mattel JLU Wonder Woman, Brainiac, Jollibee GL, KFC Superman, Mattel Young Justice Captain Atom, and a McDonald's Happy Meal Young Justice Superman.

This GL toy from Jollibee could have been a great figure if only they utilized the correct lighting for the Power Ring. It would have been cooler if they were able to utilize the GL's natural Green color. But regardless, He'll fit well with my other Fast food toys.