Thursday, March 18, 2021

My thoughts on Zack Snyder's Justice League and beyond

I never really made an effort to review the 2017 Justice League that was released on theaters. But instead, I wrote an extensive piece about the road to that troubled movie. You can read its entirety here. Now, for someone who had bought in to Snyder's vision for the DC Extended Universe, I'm glad that it is finally here. We can now finally put to rest all the speculations on how Snyder would have delivered the third (after Man of Steel and Batman V Superman) act of his DC Cinematic world building. Snyder's Justice League is definitely ways and beyond better than the much maligned 2017 version released on the cinemas. Though the plot thread remains the same, the four hour run time enriched the plot and polished the movie even more to make it more coherent to Snyder's vision for the DCEU. To have a better appreciation of this version of Justice League, one has to re-watch the two movies that came before this, Man of Steel and Batman V Superman. I'm recommending that because it gives you the full arc of the heroes that composed this movie. Man of Steel is definitely the Superman story. While Batman V Superman is most definitely a Batman story. There are so many fans disappointed with Batman V Superman, but I think they looked at it with a wrong set of lenses. Now with that said, Justice League was more of a Cyborg story than featuring any other heroes. He was the heart of the story. I know there were too many going ons with regards to story thread, from Steppenwolf's (which totally fleshed out the character more than the 2017 version), the Amazons, Atlanteans, Batman, and Superman. But it is Cyborg who holds the movie together. Of course Wonder Woman and to an extent the Amazons need no further introductions because we were already introduced to them in Wonder Woman's solo outing. Flash's story had a minor part because he would later be fleshed out in his own solo movie. Aquaman's arc on the other hand also played a minor part as his Atlantean world would be explored further in his own solo movie. It's clear by now that cutting Cybrog's significance in Justice League as seen in the 2017 version is what made the movie fall apart.

Cyborg was the glue that held this movie together. His story beats was the strongest specially the moments where he was trying to piece together his relationship with his absentee father. I know some critics would call this as lame execution for Daddy issues (probably the same way how critics would pounce on the Martha issues of Batman and Superman in Batman V Superman). But for those who could relate to his story, the message towards the end of the movie is such a moving and powerful piece to people suffering the same issues with Cyborg. Though Cyborg was the clear stand out, that is not to say that the other characters were strictly relegated to the background. Each character still had their moments. And the run time gave the audience a deeper understanding of their motivations in the movie. And like all standard Snyder movies, the lush visuals, super charged (and violent) fight scenes, and expansive world building is what further separates the movie with the 2017 version. The movie is littered with cameos and Easter eggs that eagle eyed DC comic buffs would be delighted to see. I particularly like how the Amazons were handled in this movie. They seem tougher and more warrior like. Also the extensive retelling of the battle of the Old Gods versus Darkseid's invading forces in itself is already a breathtaking scene. I don't even need to mention the additional footage shot by Snyder featuring Joker and the surviving forces that Batman has recruited to go against Darkseid's forces in the Knightmare scene. Simply put, the 2017 version was a condensed sanitized version. This film however is the real deal. 

And like I said, the premise of the movie remains the same as the 2017 version as I feel Joss Whedon did not necessarily deviate from Snyder's blueprint. He just made it lighter and more "Marvel Cinematic" like. But what made it repugnant is the disconnect from the tone that Snyder established from the previous movies. While Snyder's version is not devoid of jokes and humor, I feel these were forced, or rather WB forced his hand. But still it isn't as bad as how Whedon littered the 2017 version with bad and recycled attempt at humor. In its entirety, Snyder's film is the superior version but I feel the four hour length is too much. Don't get me wrong, I love every scene delivered, I've waited for 3 years to finally see this version. But I feel Snyder could have tightened this film. I do however understand that what he gave us is the complete version that he had in mind. And given that this would be released in streaming devices at the comfort of our home, it is only appropriate to give it everything he's got specially if this would be his swan song for the DCEU. He even get to add additional scenes that in a way teased his future movies if given a chance to extend his involvement in this franchise. That is bad news by the way (for his detractors at least). Because for sure, the #restorethesnyderverse movement will snowball once more and probably force HBO, Warner Bros., and AT&T to give Snyder the reins of this franchise once more. I've stood by Snyder all these years and had defended his vision in countless social media communities. But at this point, at least in the DC Cinematic universe, I think its time for everyone to move on and just let WB be. They have been up and down since the 2017 Justice League. Aquaman was a hit, so does The Joker, which was a huge surprise considering WB tried to kill that movie. Shazam was a hit with critics too, though the box office numbers were modest. However the same could not be said with Birds of Prey, and to an extent WW84 (though I did enjoy the movie for what it is). That being said, I will find it stupid for HBO, WB, and AT&T to not even consider in giving Snyder his own little playground in the digital streaming device format. During the premiere launch of the movie, it literally broke the streaming apps of HBO MAX and HBO Go as the app could not handle the sudden surge of viewers accessing the film. 

Now, Snyder is not really known as someone who could come up with a concise and time restraint coherent movie. His directing style and vision makes it so that he usually spends too much time with visual shots, action shots, and beautiful aesthetic shots to the detriment of the story in a time constraint film. However, if given a chance to write and direct stories for the digital streaming format, I see Snyder fits the bill perfectly. And this is what HBO MAX and the execs at WB should at least consider and take a hard look. Their Digital streaming app HBO Max does not have a strong content when compared to Disney Plus and Netflix. Disney Plus has the upper hand as not only do they get to strengthen their Marvel Cinematic Universe via support made for digital streaming limited series such as Wandvision, and Winter Soldier and Falcon. But they also manage to have the Star Wars Universe under their pocket. Not to manage the newly acquired FOX Studios library. Netflix has remained to be a giant and franchises such as Cobra Kai (Karate Kid franchise), Stranger Things (homegrown), and other such limited series continues to make Netflix interesting to subscribers. What does HBO Max have to show for besides the Warner Movie library? The last most successful franchise they possess was Game of Thrones. But that in itself has already ended, though the option to extend or do a prequel is there. Now Snyder's vision for the DCEU is what fits the bill. The only challenge left is if the cost to produce would be well worth it. Because you are not getting Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, and even Ray Fisher on the cheap. Well not unless this becomes a passion project with Snyder and they accept pay cuts just to complete his total vision for the DCEU before they handle the reins to younger and cheaper up and coming actors that Snyder could rebuild his world with.

I seriously doubt if any fandom could equal or surpass the fandom (or Cult as Snyder Haters would love to call them) that Snyder has built with his vision for the DCEU. I don't see any fandom from Star Wars  or Marvel Cinematic Universe to be as united, as passionate (and as toxic) as what Snyder Fans has become. His critics would say that the triumph of the Snyder Cut movement is a bad precedent. I beg to disagree. This movement is something that would be hard to replicate. Want to know why? Because Snyder's DCEU is not your traditional disposable entertainment. His DCEU meant more than just entertainment to his fans. The themes and message of his DCEU truly and sincerely connected to his fans no matter what his critics say. And that in itself you cannot say with other franchises. The Star Wars franchise for all its longevity and popularity has a fragmented fan base. That's why latching on to Snyder is an instant win for HBO Max. And the Snyder Cut is Exhibit A for that. WB can do whatever they want with their DC films. But at least give Snyder his own little world to build. It might not be palatable to his critics and detractors, but there is a strong segment of fans that would gladly support HBO Max. Heck, I did not even subscribe to the app until the Snyder Cut came. But come what may, as a fan who truly love Snyder's DC Universe world building, I'm at peace to wherever this quest to have more Snyderverse stories ends. True the teases in the movie leaves a bad taste to my mouth if indeed that is the end of it all, but at least I get to see the Justice League Movie that I truly deserved.          

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